Thursday, February 6, 2014

INTRODUCING the Amateur's Wine-Loving Dairy

        Hello, there! Welcome to the very first blog of the Amateur's Wine-loving Dairy! Pretty much self-explained, this is a virtual place for you if you are a non-professional wine lover just like me. Though sounds self-important, my blogging vision is to make it a cozy and lovely community where wine amateurs would linger around, get inspired, and most importantly, find peace in mind by imagining the beautiful sight, aroma, and taste of all kinds of wine reading what I wrote. So, from now on, you can expect me every Wednesday and Sunday. On Wednesdays, I will post a tasting note of one bottle of wine (which will be chosen randomly), and on Sundays, I will share my personal thoughts, new-gained knowledge, or feelings and experiences pertinent to wine. 
        Just like in the book previews, authors will always explain their writing motivation or intent, I'd like to do the same here. I start this blog for one simple reason, I want to note down all my feelings and imaginations about every bottle of wine that I tried. (Well, I am a very ordinary person who doesn't have a mind palace where all my wine memories can be stored and retrieved as I want, so basically writing it down is the only path for me to take.) And to be honest, I learnt it the hard way. As you can see in the picture below, it shows all the wine bottles that I emptied from October to December 2013. Nonetheless, very sadly, I cannot recall how most of them look like, smell like or taste like! (The only exception is the one bottle with "COCOBON" written on the wine tag. This one left me a deep impression due to its nice touch of coca and chocolate. And it is indeed my favorite out of the crowd.) To make things worse, I am a recording freak. I keep records of every thing that I care (for example, I still have the SMS logs taken down on paper between me and my ex in somewhere in the closet at home! But of course, I don't go back and read them. It's a history and it deserves to be preserved. Sorry, a bit off topic..) Anyway, in conclusion, here I am, starting this diary for the record of keeping a record of my wine experience. 

Finished Wine Bottles

        One more thing, you may also want to know about my creditability as a wine blogger. Well, frankly, I have no professional interactions with wine, at all. I am simply a wine lover who drinks a half glass of wine every night a few hours before sleep. My very limited knowledge of wine, if there is any, comes from watching a whole lot of online videos, reading a few wine-themed books and most importantly in my opinion, drinking by myself. 

        I will stop here today. Looking forward to a long-lasting wine blogging journey ahead!



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